We know it will. Rain that is - especially here on the wetcoast, which is probably why we fell in love with these hats.
Made locally in Vancouver by a brilliant mompreneur, our new kids' rain hat not only looks fabulous but puts to rest the seemingly endless hood struggle. Think about it. How often have you chased your kids around the playground saying (shouting?) 'put up your hood'? How hard is it to see sideways with a hood on? And doesn't it seem like your hearing takes a little nose dive with a hood up? Then there's the times when they look up at you with drops of rain hanging from their eyelashes and little button noses, even when they're dutifully wearing their hoods. This wide brim hat actually keeps rain off the face and the velcro chin strap keeps it firmly on. Made of 100% cotton fabric coated with waterproof polyurethane and lined with super soft organic cotton with bamboo, it's easy to wipe clean or, if necessary, hand wash in cold. The hat comes in four fun and colourful patterns: flower power, spring bloom, paisley and boy blue and in sizes fitting 12 months up to 6 years. Trust us, this one's a winner. Once your child wears it once, she won't want to leave the house again without it, even if it's not raining.
The kids' rain hat is available at Lavish & Lime. WIN WIN WIN a Paisley blue/brown rain hat for your little puddle jumper. To enter, simply leave a comment on this post before midnight PST November 1.
As autumn closes in, the cooler days and longer nights beg for warm soups, stews and a rich glass of red.
But what if the bottle remains unfinished? What if you've splurged, and it's a really good bottle? This about vino sustainability, not dumping or swilling.
There's only two ways to preserve an open bottle. You can either put something in the neck of the bottle to prevent oxygen from getting into the wine (doesn't help with the oxygen already in the bottle), or you can remove as much oxygen from the bottle as possible with a vacuum or inert gas, the latter of which displaces the oxygen and creates a protective blanket over the surface of the wine.
The vacuum process doesn't guarantee all the oxygen will be removed and is considered somewhat of a violent process as the wine's desirable aromas can also get sucked out.
In a limited trial of three vacuum-style stoppers, two inert gas systems, plus the bottle's original stopper on three contrasting wines, it became clear by the fourth day that the Private Preserve gas kept the wine fresher for longer.
A couple of squirts into your bottle followed by re-corking with the bottle's original cork and you can enjoy your wine up to a few weeks later, says Anthony Gismondi, one of Canada's leading wine critics and editor of gismondionwine.com. "Gas is the best way to go," he says. "It's so much simpler to use than pumping a vacuum - and more effective."
"One can of Private Preserve will last a good few months for the average consumer," said Gismondi.
Private Preserve is available at Lavish & Lime in single cans or as part of our Wine Essentials Kit - Wine 101 in a neoprene bottle bag - the perfect gift for anyone who enjoys wine. View the video below to learn more about our wine kit and for a Private Preserve demo, presented by Anthony Gismondi.